Wednesday, August 13, 2008


I want to say hello and thanks for checking out my new blog. I will share what God has given and is doing in my life on a semi-regular basis. Please give me some time, as this is all new to me.

Today, I have been doing some study on what God is and what He looks like. In Deuteronomy 4:15-18, God says that Moses saw no form or anything to describe or picture God. I have begun realizing how many times we try to make God an image, an idea, which is so off what He wants us to see. That is just it...He is not for us to figure out, but rather have faith in.

I am reminded of the words the psalmist penned in Psalms 46:10..."Be still and know that I am God". Simply put, that's it. I pray that you have a blessed day and can "see" God's hand in your life today...


Barry Hughes said...

Nice blog!

Billy Chia said...

Welcome to the blogosphere! Good to have you here.