Okay, bear with me for a few moments...the last couple months, there has been something bothering me. Now, please don't think I am coming down on worship leaders everywhere, or even questioning their motives. I just personally think we need to watch how we portray what we are doing in our worship services and how it comes across to others. One of my favorite blogs has a thing every week called Sunday Setlists...Like I said, I am not taking aim at them. It is a great way of seeing how other ministers are arranging services and worshipping corporately. My beef is that it "sounds" more like a performance of man than a worship of God. I don't want my worship to be a "setlist" of music to entertain. I guess the whole "setlist" problem mainly comes from my DJ days. My prayer is that we will come back to the heart of true worship...where it's not about us at all! There, I got that off my chest, whew! Now, I feel better...
Okay, so for today's passage, we look to Psalm 5:7-9..."But as for me, I will come into thy house in the multitude of thy mercy: and in thy fear will I worship toward thy holy temple. (8) Lead me, O Lord, in thy righteousness because of mine enemies; make thy way straight before my face. (9) For there is no faithfulness in their mouth; their inward part is very wickedness; their throat is an open sepulchre; they flatter with their tongue."
Here, David is asking for God's overall guidance in his life. We should look at verse 7 when we come to His house to worship Him. We should come in lowness of spirit...humbly...praising His great mercy upon us!!! Let's corporately ask the Lord to lead our steps today. I am challenging you to come with me on this journey...
Lord, lead us in your righteousness, because our enemies in this world are looking to trip us daily. Light our paths before us...show us where you want us to go...Let us see the folly of the words they speak that don't ring true...Let us see the heart of them, that we may not be fooled by their smooth talk...Keep us strong, even though they tell us what our flesh longs to hear...Thank you, Lord for your faithfulness and mercy...We deserve none of it!!!
Thank you for letting me share my heart with you today. I pray that we can all think about what worship is meant to be. Like I've quoted "The Heart of Worship" before..."It's all about you...Jesus"...
Please let me know if there is a special prayer I can word on your behalf today...
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