I believe this passage can be a refuge for a weary, worn-out Christian who is at their wit's end...We can be comforted by knowing there are others around us who are withstanding the same temptations and trials we face daily. Christian love also means to have compassion one for another...a part of that is reaching out and being there to help. If we've been there, that is a part of our testimony to share.
We also need to get away from the sins that are our personal weaknesses...whatever it may be, get as far from as possible. I have learned that to be recovered from our sins, we must avoid the opportunity to fall back into them.
Looking to Jesus gives us hope in the "down-and-out" times we struggle through. So many times, we are looking at others who aren't struggling when we throw our greatest pity parties...but if our eyes are focused on the cross, our troubles will pale in comparison. Consider what He went through for you!!! And it was because of you and me that He suffered and died on the cross...so a little strife here below starts to lose its sting a bit doesn't it?
Realize you're not in this alone...others face trials...we all have sins we struggle with...avoid them...keep your eyes on Jesus...and you will avoid weariness of mind and body!
Please let me know if there is a special prayer I can word on your behalf today...
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