I find this passage quite self-explanatory...if our hearts don't condemn us, we are confident toward God. Simply put, we have a confidence to ask anything we will, because we are asking with pure motives. Our heart lets us know where we truly are spiritually. You can put on a good front for friends, loved ones, church members...but you can't lie to your heart. As it continues in verse 22, we receive what we ask for because we keep His commandments. Once again, if we're not keeping His commandments, our heart will know, we won't be confident to ask...and so on.
In verse 23, we find commandments that have been given to us...believe on the name of Jesus Christ...and love one another. Sounds familiar, doesn't it? Seems to be a theme God is using...yesterday, today...maybe tomorrow, who knows? Love one another...
Finally, in verse 24 if we keep His commandments, we dwell in Him and He in us. And we will know that He dwells in us by the Spirit which has been given to us. Walk in that Spirit today...keep his commandments, ask with confidence, and you will receive what you ask...
I ask you to say a prayer for an 8-year-old girl in our church having open heart surgery today...please lift Sammy to the Lord in your prayers. Also, let me know if there is a special prayer I can word on your behalf today...be blessed!
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