I know this seems like a down message to be sending out, but to the contrary, we see that when we are down in the dumps God hears us. He wants to hear our cries in earnest. He wants to be in a close relationship with us. If you are close to someone you share the good and bad with them.
Take this illustration...if you're walking down a creek bed and get stuck deep into the mud, how can you get out? The harder and harder you try to get out, the deeper and deeper you get. You need something to hold on to and pull you to the dry ground. God's hand is there waiting for you to reach out.
It may seem like you are all alone at times, but not by His will. If we seclude ourselves in our pity, all we do is withhold His hand from helping. Open up to God and let Him help in good and bad times.
Too many times, the bad times are when we reach out. You know, we need to share our victories as well as our defeats with our Father in heaven. He would love to hear from you when things are good. Let Him be a part of everyday!
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