This is a call to continue in what we have been taught. We are to also be mindful of Whom it was that taught us. We haven't been taught by humanity's teachings, but rather those of the God we serve. Since we grew up, those of us who were raised in churches have known what the Bible tells us.
The truths we have learned have led us to salvation through our faith in Jesus Christ. That is the same way we all have been saved, regardless of upbringing, lifestyle, or skin color...through faith in Jesus Christ!
The next verse is key to faith in God's written Word..."All scripture is given by inspiration of God"...it doesn't say some, most, or a little, but rather ALL!!! If you can't believe all scripture is given by doctrine, how can you decide which is and which isn't? Is it based upon our ideas? our likes? our dislikes? God have mercy if we have the final say-so of what is from God and what is not...
The verse doesn't end there, either...it continues that the Word is "profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness"...What does that mean to you and me? That the Word can be the guide to our living this life on earth...for EVERYTHING!!! In our daily walk, keeping ourselves in subjection, correcting our errors, and learning how to live righteously.
In the final verse, it states "that the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished to all good works". None of us will ever be perfect, because of our fallen Adamic nature. But, when we follow the precepts laid out in the Bible, we can become closer to perfection everyday. The last statement really jumps out at me...that we be throughly furnished...not thoroughly, but throughly! That means completely, not partially, not mostly. We hinder God's work in our lives by only allowing Him to have a part in our lives, rather than giving Him our lives and asking what He would have us to do...
Be mindful of what you have learned in your studies of the Word. Let your life be led by the examples it has set before you...
Please let me know if there is a special prayer I can say for you today...
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