This passage made me stop and think...do I show forth His marvellous works??? When I am carrying burdens of my own, what shows? The cares of this world? The weariness of my body? My human emotions? Or, do I show the majesty of the Mighty God I serve?
The past week has been a struggle physically. There have been sleepless nights, worries, and pet issues...goes with the territory, right? My prayer is that my walk with God allows those burdens to be unseen. We are to cast all our cares upon Him and keep going.
This scripture reminds us we are to be glad, singing our praises to His name. It doesn't qualify itself by saying when we feel like it. It doesn't say only on Sunday mornings, evenings, or even Wednesday nights. It says show His works...sing...rejoice...be glad.
We always have the assurance of knowing the outcome of all this...HE WINS!!! So, be of good cheer, and let it show...
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