Then, he asked the question...so, what is the challenge you are facing in life? Hmmm...well, the challenge I struggle with is stepping out of the comfort zones and getting uncomfortable and reaching out to help others. I'm sure you have all seen the list of where our priorities as Christians should be, right? God, family, church, friends, others, then you...in that order!!! Well, being honest, I struggle putting myself to the bottom rung of the ladder. It's so easy to say "but that's not what I want for this situation"...or..."that's not how I want things to be done"...when I should really be concerned about how God wants things done and down the list and so on and so forth, yadda-yadda-yadda.
Do you struggle with this? I found that to keep this challenge, I must work on four aspects for my life to stay on track...First, my Bible study or devotion time must be there and evident in my life...Second, I must be asking for God's directions...Third, I must work on my marriage (because the devil will try to pull at family)...and finally, sharing with others (getting out of comfort mode).
My struggles definitely aren't the same struggles that many of you may face today, but if there is some part of your life that you are fighting with, know that God is always there to help when we ask. Take a look at 2 Corinthians 1:4..."He comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any kind of affliction, through the comfort we ourselves receive from God." So, what I am battling can be used for the glory of the Lord...the strength that I gain from giving it to Him can be shared with others I come in contact with who think there is no hope.
To wrap things up today, let's review our verses for the weeek from Romans 8:1 & 2..."There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. (2) For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death."
Make time for your Bible study, prayer time, family, and share what God is doing with another today. Take the verses into your heart...let God use them to speak to you, and share what you have learned...
Please let me know if there is a special prayer request I can word on your behalf today!!!
Believers often face bigger challenges (problems) as they are helped by God, who can handle any problem.
The challenges you face are self- selected (you are not required to study and learn the verses by law) so although your challenges may seem great your rewards will be also.
One of the promises my own art work and writing ministry is based on is , "My Words will not return void".
That is a promise that I find to be very true.
Judy Rey
as we are not required to learn the Bible by law, we are told to "study to shew thyself approved"...and memorizing scripture is a great way of being "on-guard" with God's Word when Satan brings his attacks. Thanks for your feedback!
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