If you think I am the first, I am sorry to have given that impression. Each day is such a struggle to do the right things for me, how about you? Some days, don't you just wanna "call it in" and "do your own thing". The reason I have started this journal was to keep myself seeking God's words for me, and have an accountability set up that people can look back and see what I have been learning. If I tend to be "preachy", I am not speaking at anyone, but rather emphasizing what God is telling me.
It's so easy for me to sit back and ask for everyone else to volunteer to do work in our church, or be challenged to memorize verses, but am I really take the first step and doing it myself? If I as Christian leader in a church am not willing to roll up my sleeves and get to work, how can I ask others to?
For me to get past struggles that come my way daily, I must remain in a close relationship with God. When I take a "day off" from my study or prayer time, I allow myself to be open to Satan's attacks. And each "day off" can be followed by more days and soon turn into weeks, months, etc. Once you break the chain, it gets to be so hard to get back into it. A sense of comfortability sets in. That is why I must get into God's Word daily and think upon it and live by the teachings I receive.
Let's look at this week's memory verses in Ephesians 5:15 & 16..."See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, (16) Redeeming the time, because the days are evil." Once again, these verses reminding us to stay vigilant, because the world is out to bring us down. We aren't to just wander around with no direction, but rather as someone with wisdom, knowing which roads to take, who to talk to, and see the opportunities that God provides us to minister.
Even though the world is in such a state of flux, we do have a hope as stated in 1 Peter 1:13 (NIV)..."Therefore, prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed." We are to be prepared mentally and show self-control. What better place for me to get wisdom and self-control than from God's word and asking for His help? Is my hope set fully on the grace given by Jesus? or am I just saying that? It's very easy to say, but there are days that things happen, and I want to throw my hands in the air and just give up. But, the more I stay in His word and in prayer, the more I rely upon His grace to get me through!
If you are struggling today and can't seem to find time for God, I pray that you will make time for Him and let Him help you through whatever you are battling...
Please let me know if there is a special prayer request I can word on your behalf today...
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