"Compassion will cure more sins than condemnation." -Henry Ward Beecher
This quote speaks to me in the vein that if we are showing compassion, we are likely to be able to reach sinners where they are. Too often, we are caught condemning the sin, rather than loving the sinner.
"We ought to be people of compassion. And being people of compassion means we deny ourselves, and our self-centeredness." -Mike Huckabee
If we are only concerned about ourselves, we can't have a heart for others.
"Compassion costs. It is easy enough to argue, criticize and condemn, but redemption is costly, and comfort draws from the deep. Brains can argue, but It takes heart to comfort." -Samuel Chadwick
How easy it is to kick someone when they're down. It's much harder to lend a hand and stand in the gap for someone who has fallen. If we aren't there for them, who will be?
And the final quote I will share is this..."I would rather feel compassion than know the meaning of it." -Thomas Aquinas
Ouch! That one hits home...it's easy to talk about this and that, but when the rubber hits the road, what are we doing about it? My dad always used the old line..."your actions speak so loud I can't hear a word you're saying" What are our actions saying? Are we truly loving others and showing the compassion that has been shown to us?
May we practice what we tell others we believe...hollow words mean nothing if they aren't backed up with our lives.
There are several verses on compassion you can look to as well...Matthew 18 tell the story of a master who has compassion, only to have that one show nothing of the sort in return to another (verses 23-35)...also Luke 7:13, where the Lord showed compassion upon the widow...the Samaritan showed compassion in Luke 10 as well...the Scripture references are nearly endless...
Our lives should live out the verse that the picture above illustrates, which is found in Philippians 3:14..."I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus." Everything we do should be towards that end!!!
Do you have a favorite verse or quote that deals with compassion? Share it with us...
Please let me know if you have a special prayer request I can word on your behalf today!!!
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