Carlos Whittaker is Worship Leader at Buckhead Church, and I find his openness to share his life so that others might get a laugh, be inspired to be more genuine, and even his ability to not take himself too seriously are a testament to how we should truly be.
Enough about the man, let's take a look at the CD. This work is one of the most varied compilations, all heart felt and touching different areas of our lives. Opening the cover, you find the words that sum up the heart of Carlos' passion, which is "Satisfy Us Lord, That You Would Be Enough".
Then, once you get to the music, 'Los gets things going with a great starter entitled "Rain It Down". This has been in my mind all day long as I have been doing everything. It's all about our need for the Father, Son and Holy Spirit in our daily lives. What a great kickoff song for a great album."Can't Start This Fight" is up next and conveys the thoughts we have all matter how hard WE might try, this fight (life) is impossible to do without God's hand leading.
The third track is the one that first jumped out at me. In "God Of Second Chances", there is little surprise as we are reminded that the Lord is our Redeemer and loves us with an unfailing love. Track four "We Will Worship You" is a great anthem piece. It's all about giving up of self and asking God to break us of the desires that simply fulfill the lusts of the flesh. Another deeply profound and simply put offering! "No Words" keeps the mellow tone going with simply our words can be so meaningless in describing the Lord. But, we can still offer our shouts of hope and love to Him. Awesome stuff!
"Because of You" is another song that reels you in with a great beat and singable tune. It simply states "I come here to honor You, because of You, in awe of You"...enough said. "Shine On" simply shares that none compares to the God we serve and just asks Him to continue shining on. Announcing our dependence upon God, because with Him none else can touch us. Next is "Grace Already Won" - a great song to shout to God. Reminding us that because of grace we don't have to be feeling in bondage, but live in a great freedom.
"Jesus Saves" is up next with a great tempo and an unbeatable line that goes..."I am the sum of failing and of grace You overcame". How can we feel defeated when Jesus overcame everything by His death and resurrection? "In Your Presence" is a quiet, intimate, conversational utterance to the Lord. Realizing what we must do to engage the Lord with reverence, humility and awe...just a very inspiring song...
Next comes "Your Name", which Carlos amps up a bit with a bit more guitar than the Phillips, Craig and Dean version of Paul Baloche and Glenn Packiam's great anthem. Nicely revamped song! And finally, "We Will Dance" picks it up again to finish off the album. The line that you will be reminded of throughout the song is..."There's no one like our God"...and Amen to that!
I would give this album 4 1/2 out of 5. What a great debut work from a truly genuine worship leader/blogger/social media guru. But most of all, Carlos, thanks for letting your heart be seen in this intimate offering of praise and worship! Pick this album up at iTunes, Integrity, or at his blog
so much!!!!!
Like you, I have found Carlos to be an authentic online voice, not just within the Christian community. I downloaded the condensed version a few months back - and will have to put this on my next iTunes download. Thanks for the heads up!
Great to find you through High Calling Blogs.
Thank you for the thorough review. You have compelled me to buy this album. I too appreciate of the giants in Christian blogging!
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