We started our first week doing a small-group study of
Crazy Love by Francis Chan. The first chapter is entitled "stop praying"...many people saw warning signs going up when they read that, I know. It's not what you think! It's about not being in a rut...not doing the ususal, ritualistic, same old, same old. We need to be focusing on a more relational conversation, while also focusing on what and who God really is. He's not just a guy we should talk to as an equal, without a reverence and fear.
What I would like to do over the course of this study is open up a forum for you to share each week what the specific chapters meant and how they spoke to your heart personally. I am not being paid by any publishers and only put a link to purchase the book so that interested individuals can become a part of what we are part of studying. Leave your thoughts...
Doorkeeper's Journal has been included in this weeks Sites To See. I hope you like the image I featured, and I hope this helps to attract many new visitors here.
Has anyone made a study out on paper for crazy love?
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