In verse 2, we are called to preach the Word, be the same always, and teach with longsuffering and doctrine. Verse 3 says the time will come when men will not listen, but will follow after their own lusts and listen to those who tell them what they want to hear. Verse 4, they will turn away from the truth. Verse 5, watch yourself...do the work of an evangelist (Tell others), let people see what you are. Verse 6 his time has come. Verse 7 he has fought the good fight and kept the faith...The key point in verse 8... there is laid up a crown of righteousness not only for me, but to all that love his appearing...
Be sure that there will be trials and tribulations in your Christian walk, especially when you make a stand for our beliefs. The good news is that the pains we endure as Christians on earth will be overshadowed by the blessings we receive in heaven.
If you are going through a struggle today, I pray that a peace will come over you, and the hand of the Lord will be seen in your life. Fight the good fight, finish the course, and keep the faith!!!
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