Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Soulprint - book review

Once again, it's time for a review of a book I have read. I received Soulprint, written by Mark Batterson from Blogging for Books/WaterBrookMultnomah Press.

This is the fourth book I have read from Mark and each one has touched my heart in a different way. The cover art gives a great insight into what is to come in the copy to be read inside. ark describes how each of our lives has a unique "soulprint", much like our unique fingerprints. Nobody has the same and each has its own defining characteristics.

Through the pages of this book, you will be challenged to find your divine destiny that God has placed specifically for you. Obviously, we all have different ones, thus it takes work from each of us to find our own.

Come into this book with an open mind, and a heart looking for answers...a pad and pen will help while going through this study. There is also a study guide included to aid with your efforts.

Once again, a brilliant book by one of my favorite authors/ Please read, study amd find what your true calling is!!!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Comfort in the Word of God

Just got this image on my Facebook and wanted to share with you today. Share your thoughts of what it means to you...what are you going through...how has the Word comforted you...I pray that you have a blessed day!

Please let me know if you have a special prayer request I can word on your behalf today!!!