This book was an interesting read for many reasons. First and foremost, in my "day job", I serve as a Music Minister and am constantly studying the origins of worship and how they can be applied to our modern times. In this book, Whaley covered the introduction of even the thought of worship, which was not a Sunday morning exclusive thing. Worship is a 24/7 thing that we should begin to take hold of.
In the very origin of life, we were created to worship God. In all we do, every action, every word, every thought should be God-honoring. This book just gave me a few more reminders of how worship was presented to us in the Bible. He also used quotes from varied teachers and speakers, who many times share completely opposite beliefs. I didn't have a major issue there, but thought he incorporated them well to get his idea across.
All in all, the book was a good read although somewhat lengthy. It has the feel of a textbook. Never being a great fan of reading textbooks word-for-word, I would give this book a rating of 3 1/2 our of 5 possible stars. If you want to know more about worship, "Called to Worship" would be a great resource book.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their