First off, I am thankful for a Savior that doesn’t ask for us to clean up to come into our lives. He is there with arms open wide, waiting for the sinner to see the need of an all-sufficient Savior. I am thankful for His forgiveness, even when others in our lives would have written us off because of our past failures. Like 1 John 1:9 states… “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” There is no qualifying factor here…it doesn’t say if this is the first time you’ve made that mistake…just confess and He forgives.
The next thing I would share being thankful for is my family. I am thankful to have been raised up in a Christian home, where we learned what the Bible taught and how to apply that to our lives. Though many times I strayed, the teachings I was brought up with stayed as a reminder of what was good and right. I am also blessed beyond measure to have parents who have always been there, regardless of the trouble I was in, and were willing to dust me off and point me the right direction, whether that was what I wanted to hear or not.
My wife and children are a blessing that I cannot believe God found favor enough in me to bless me with. I can’t believe that I actually have a teenager, who will be in 9th grade next year. I also can’t believe that my little girl is soon to be five. Time flies by so quickly. And the love of my life, Lindsey, who has gone through her share of trials and tribulations in this thing we call marriage. Many times she could have folded under the pressures, but has stayed strong and committed to what God has brought together. I thank the Lord for you everyday, my love!
I am also thankful for the numerous friends I have across the world. Over the past couple years, I have been able to re-connect with many of them. They have been a constant encouragement, even by simply writing a short note via Facebook, Twitter, text message, email, or even a card in the mail. Philippians 1:3 states it perfectly... "I thank my God upon every remembrance of you"
There are numerous things I am thankful for in our church. First and foremost is the openness to let God’s will be made evident and lead in every ministry opportunity that presents itself. The main goal of every venture we come into is…“Will this help lead others to Christ?” Another point that I am thankful for is the willingness to welcome the “unlovable” and reach out to the “untouchable”. That was how Jesus loved and we, to so many out there, are the only version of Jesus they will ever see.
I am also truly thankful to be ministering under a pastor who is not afraid to preach what God lays upon his heart. He also lives the words that he preaches. In a world that says “Do as I say and not as I do”, it is a blessing to see a God-centered life showing how to live by his daily example.
I am thankful also for a congregation who forgives and shields one another in their times of greatest need. I have so much to be thankful for…and am blessed to have been placed where God has led me.
Now, I would like to hear from you…what do you have to be thankful for? Who has been there for you when you needed them? Please take a few moments and leave a short comment of Thanksgiving to those who matter most to you.
And, as always, please let me know if you have a special prayer request I can word on your behalf today!!!